Pycon 2020 Event
Speak at the 2020 Python Conference in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Call for Presentation and Tutorials
PyCon Tanzania, is seeking for speakers of all experience levels and backgrounds to contribute to the Python Conference program! If you use the Python programming language professionally, as a hobbyist or are just excited about Python or programming and open source communities, we'd love to hear from you. We want you and your ideas at the upcoming Python Conference!
The Python Tanzania Conference Programme consists of two parts, these being the Talks/Presentations and Tutorials Tracks.
Talks: These are the traditional talk sessions given during the main conference day which. PyCon Tanzania is dedicated to featuring a diverse and inclusive mix of speakers in the lineup.
Tutorials: As with the talks, we are looking for tutorials that can grow this community at any level. We aim for tutorials that will advance Python, advance this community, and shape the future of Tanzania through open source software. Each tutorial session runs for 3 full hours plus a break for coffee.
Lightning Talks: Lightning Talks are fun, short, five-minute (or less) talks. Ideally each talk should make a single point, often in a fun, quirky or over-the-top way. Slides are optional but often a good image can help get a point across quickly.
Best Practices for Speakers
Apply: Even if you have a vague idea, submit a proposal. We’re available for help with ideas and feedback (contact information is in the section below). Don’t worry about communication skills or English - we are there to help with that too. And our focus is more on the content.
Diversity: We in the Python community believe in making our community more diverse. This means we are encouraging content from diverse walks of life. This also means we want to improve participation from under-represented groups.
Make it detailed: Add as much detail as possible to the proposal. Add the presentation slides if you already have one. Add a short minute video giving a summary of the proposal. More detail helps reviewers make better judgement.
Propose early:We will start the review process as the proposals come in, and not at the end. Proposals submitted early will get more attention and feedback.
The code of conduct: All speakers are expected to have read and adhere to the conference Code of Conduct. Take a look at the code of conduct, and be mindful of it. The gist is, avoid using sexist language.
Presentations and Tutorials
Topics must be relevant to Python Language and Open Source Software:
- Python language usage in a project
- Education and Open Source Software
- Web & Cloud applications using Python framworks
- Ideas on improving diversity and inclusiveness